Ein Rekordjahr: Unsere Saison 2024 im Rückblick
Die Ergebnisse der Saison stehen fest, und wir blicken voller Stolz auf das zurück, was wir gemeinsam erreicht haben. Mit klaren Zielen gestartet – das erste erfolgreiche Beende
Campus Tirol Motorsport is the place where passionate students from Tyrolean universities work on the development of an innovative electric racing car. Our motivation? Our love of motorsport and our unbeatable team spirit. Teamwork is not just a buzzword for us, but the secret of our success. We firmly believe that close collaboration between students, university and company is the key to realising our dreams. This dedication characterises everything: from the design of our racing car to the promotion of innovation in the motorsport world. Our motto is Design, Build, Race, Repeat!
In der Saison 2024/25 konstruieren wir unseren
neuen Boliden, den ct7.
Mit ihm wollen wir an die Spitze der Top-Teams fahren. Der ct7 soll seinen Vorgänger in Schnelligkeit und Zuverlässigkeit noch übertreffen. Unser hohes technisches Niveau wollen wir halten und festigen, um auch in der neuen Saison problemlos durch alle technischen Abnahmen zu kommen. In den statischen Disziplinen wollen wir in den Finals ums Podium kämpfen, um so dem Gesamtpodium ein Stück näher zukommen.
Um unsere Ziele zu erreichen setzten wir auf eine offene Kommunikation und effiziente Arbeitsweisen innerhalb des Teams, ebenso wie nachhaltige und langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Unterstützer:innen.
Alles in allem wollen wir eine leistungsstarke Perfomance hinlegen und am Ende der Saison 2024/25 noch weiter oben stehen.
Das Ziel für die Events im Sommer 2024 war klar: das Endurance-Event komplett durchfahren und mehr als 500 Punkte bei drei von vier Events erzielen. Dieses Ziel haben wir weit übertroffen.
Erstmals nahmen wir an einem Finale in einer statischen Disziplin teil und meisterten das Endurance-Event. Insgesamt erreichten wir in 19 Disziplinen Top-10-Platzierungen und vier Podiumsplätze.
Beim Formula Student Alpe Adria holten wir den zweiten Platz im Endurance und den dritten in Efficiency. Zusätzlich sicherten wir uns den dritten Platz im Skidpad und den vierten in der Gesamtwertung.
Ein weiterer Podiumsplatz gelang uns in Italien mit der drittschnellsten Zeit im Skidpad.
Nach dieser Saison zählt CTM zu den internationalen Top-Teams!
In our team of over 80 students, we combine expertise from various disciplines, including computer science, mechatronics, physics and economics. We are divided into business and engineering departments to ensure that all areas are covered. Together, we use our wide-ranging expertise to drive innovative technologies forward.
Since our foundation in 2016, we have been offering students at Tyrolean universities the opportunity to gain practical experience in the fields of mechatronics, mechanical engineering, IT, administration, business administration and many more. Become a partner and immerse yourself in the exciting world of future technologies with us. Shape the future with Campus Tirol Motorsport!
The Administration Department is an essential part of the "Business" branch of Campus Tirol Motorsport and is primarily responsible for the team structure, team stabilisation and team optimisation. Specifically, this includes the fields of activity of member acquisition, member administration, team building, communication management, event organisation and IT infrastructure.
The Aerodynamics & Composites Department is responsible for the development and optimisation of aerodynamic solutions that maximise vehicle performance. At the same time, the focus is on the integration of advanced composite materials to ensure an optimum strength-to-weight ratio and thus increase the overall efficiency of the racing car.
Simulationen R&D
The Chassis Department is responsible for the development and construction of the entire frame, which forms the skeleton of our racing car. We also deal with the seat and ergonomics for the driver and design the pedals. Once the CAD model of the frame has been finalised, we manufacture it in cooperation with various regional companies.
The Electronics & Powertrain Department is responsible for all components of the low-voltage and high-voltage system and the safety circuit. In addition to the design of circuit boards, the tasks also include the programming of microcontrollers and the design of the wiring harness in the car. It also deals with all the components that are responsible for the car's drive system. The main focus is on the motors, inverters and, above all, the independently developed battery with built-in battery management system (AMS).
PCB Design
PCB Design
Battery cell characterization
PCB Design
Parts Selection
Tractive system Cooling
PCB Design
Composite Packaging
PCB Design
The tasks of our Finance Department include cost planning, monitoring and control as well as the purchase and acquisition of required materials and components and the acquisition of financial resources. As part of the competition, our Finance Department also deals with the development of a detailed business plan based on our racing car.
In order to raise awareness of electromobility, our project and CTM outside the company, the Marketing department is primarily involved in various PR measures. Design tasks and image material as well as the organisation of public events, trade fair appearances and exhibitions round off the service portfolio of this area.
The software department is dedicated to a wide range of tasks, including firmware development in C/C++ for STM32-based systems, the implementation of control and automation algorithms, data acquisition and analysis, live telemetry and the application of Python or web-based solutions. The department is also experienced in the simulation of vehicle dynamics and the use of various other tools for process optimisation.
The sponsorship department specialises in acquiring sponsors, contacting potential sponsors, negotiating sponsorship agreements and maintaining existing sponsorship relationships.
Our tasks include raising sponsorship, networking and supporting the financial security of our project.
The suspension department is responsible for the suspension in the racing car. This includes all the components needed to transfer the power of the battery to the road. In collaboration with the Powertrain and Aerodynamics Department, a chassis is developed that makes optimum use of the tyres and offers the driver the best possible grip and feedback.
Immerse yourself in the world of motorsport and discover exciting pictures of our racing cars in our photo pool. Fun, precision and team spirit combine to create an unforgettable mix - experience motorsport up close, off the beaten track!
Die Ergebnisse der Saison stehen fest, und wir blicken voller Stolz auf das zurück, was wir gemeinsam erreicht haben. Mit klaren Zielen gestartet – das erste erfolgreiche Beende
Die Saison 2024 war für uns ein voller Erfolg! Mit dem vierten und letzten Event bei FS ATA in Italien haben wir unsere bisher beste Saison abgeschlossen. Doch während wir unsere
Nach einer kurzen Pause starteten wir in das dritte Event der Saison – das Formula Student Alpe Adria in Kroatien. Vorbereitung und Scrutineering Am Dienstag angekommen, bauten w
Ohne Pause ging es weiter zu FSEast, wo uns neue Herausforderungen erwarteten. Nach dem Ausfall beim FSA war die Stimmung etwas gedämpft, doch unser Team zeigte einmal mehr, wie w
Bereits zum vierten Mal in Folge waren wir mit über 40 Teammitgliedern beim Formula Student Austria in Spielberg vertreten – das Heim-Event, das wir immer mit großer Vorfreude
Das lang erwartete Rollout-Event liegt hinter uns und war ein voller Erfolg! Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die dabei waren und uns unterstützt haben. Endlich dürfen wir
Das Warten hat endlich ein Ende! Am 21. Juni 2024 um 17:30 Uhr präsentieren wir stolz unseren neuesten Rennwagen "Aeris". Nach monatelanger intensiver Arbeit steht der große Mome
After an intensive quiz phase, our teams are in the starting blocks for an exciting season at Formula Student. We are proud to announce...
In December we worked hard to finalise the CAD design. Our goal is to have every component of our CAD model fully designed by 23 December.
Ready to become part of our team?
Campus Tirol Motorsport thrives on enthusiasm, diversity and innovation. Whether you are a student, sponsor, partner or simply curious - we are looking for people like you! Your ideas and your commitment are the fuel for our mission. Contact us now and help us shape the future of mobility!