Das Ziel für unsere AERIS war klar definiert: die Endurance Disziplin komplett durchfahren und mehr als 500 Punkte bei drei von vier Events erreichen! Diese Ziele haben wir bei Weitem übertroffen. Das Team hat es geschafft durchschnittlich 542 Punkte auf allen vier Events zu erreichen. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Teams haben wir sowohl an einem Finale in einer statischen Disziplin teilgenommen als auch das Endurance Event gemeistert. Außerdem konnte CTM sich in 19 Disziplinen eine Top-10 Platzierung sichern und insgesamt vier Mal einen Podiumsplatz erreichen. Bei Formula Student Alpe Adria ist es uns gelungen den zweiten Platz in Endurance, der Königsdisziplin, erreichen. Gleichzeitig haben wir uns den dritten Platz in Efficiency gesichert. CTM ergatterte darüber hinaus den dritten Platz im Skidpad und sicherte sich so den vierten Platz in der Gesamtwertung. Einen weiteren Platz auf dem Podium konnten wir uns beim Formula Student Event in Italien sichern, als wir die drittschnellste Zeit im Skidpad gefahren sind.
AERIS, unser erster Allrad-Rennwagen, hat im Sommer 2024 die Geschichte von Campus Tirol Motorsport geschrieben. Wir haben unser erstes Endurance-Rennen erfolgreich absolviert und dabei gleich vier Podiumsplatzierungen erzielt. Ab diesem Moment zählt CTM zu den internationalen Top-Teams!
Team Captain
Business Lead
Deputy Technical Lead
Technical Lead
The Administration Department is an essential part of the "Business" branch of Campus Tirol Motorsport and is primarily responsible for the team structure, team stabilisation and team optimisation. Specifically, this includes the fields of activity of member acquisition, member administration, team building, communication management, event organisation and IT infrastructure.
Head of Administration
Head of Administration
The Aerodynamics & Composites Department is responsible for the development and optimisation of aerodynamic solutions that maximise vehicle performance. At the same time, the focus is on the integration of advanced composite materials to ensure an optimum strength-to-weight ratio and thus increase the overall efficiency of the racing car.
Head of Aerodynamics & Composites
Head of Aerodynamics & Composites
Active Aero
Team Member
Team Member
Rear Wing
Front Wing
Rear Wing
The Chassis Department is responsible for the development and construction of the entire frame, which forms the skeleton of our racing car. We also deal with the seat and ergonomics for the driver and design the pedals. Once the CAD model of the frame has been finalised, we manufacture it in cooperation with various regional companies.
Head of Chassis
Material responsible
The Electronics & Powertrain Department is responsible for all components of the low-voltage and high-voltage system and the safety circuit. In addition to the design of circuit boards, the tasks also include the programming of microcontrollers and the design of the wiring harness in the car. It also deals with all the components that are responsible for the car's drive system. The main focus is on the motors, inverters and, above all, the independently developed battery with built-in battery management system (AMS).
Head of Electronics & Powertrain
Control PCBs
Battery cell characterization
TSAL, Parts management
Motor controller development
Parts selection
Motor controller packaging
Motor controller development
Control PCBs
Accumulator mechanical design
CAD electric packaging
Team Member
The tasks of our Finance Department include cost planning, monitoring and control as well as the purchase and acquisition of required materials and components and the acquisition of financial resources. As part of the competition, our Finance Department also deals with the development of a detailed business plan based on our racing car.
Head of Finance
Business plan
Business plan
Business plan
Business development
In order to raise awareness of electromobility, our project and CTM outside the company, the Marketing department is primarily involved in various PR measures. Design tasks and image material as well as the organisation of public events, trade fair appearances and exhibitions round off the service portfolio of this area.
Head of Marketing
Social Media
Content Creation
Content Creation
Content Creation
The software department is dedicated to a wide range of tasks, including firmware development in C/C++ for STM32-based systems, the implementation of control and automation algorithms, data acquisition and analysis, live telemetry and the application of Python or web-based solutions. The department is also experienced in the simulation of vehicle dynamics and the use of various other tools for process optimisation.
Head of Software
Timing system
Driver interface
Telemetry web interface
Automatic STM32 FW management
Software tooling
Telemetry web interface
Driver interface
Training software
The sponsorship department specialises in acquiring sponsors, contacting potential sponsors, negotiating sponsorship agreements and maintaining existing sponsorship relationships.
Our tasks include raising sponsorship, networking and supporting the financial security of our project.
Head of Sponsoring
Aquisition & Care
The suspension department is responsible for the suspension in the racing car. This includes all the components needed to transfer the power of the battery to the road. In collaboration with the Powertrain and Aerodynamics Department, a chassis is developed that makes optimum use of the tyres and offers the driver the best possible grip and feedback.
Head of Suspension
Braking system
Rear Suspension
Wheel hub
Wheel carrier
Front spring/damper
Rear spring/damper